Aluminum Critical to Meeting Future Federal Regulations, Aluminum Association Tells IQPC Conference

Participating in this year’s IQPC Advanced Lightweight Materials Summit, Pat McNulty, Market Director, Automotive, Novelis Inc. discussed the benefits aluminum provides automakers as they strive to meet stricter upcoming fuel economy and emissions regulations.

McNulty, representing  also The Aluminum Association’s Aluminum Transportation Group (ATG), presented research findings that explore aluminum weight savings benefits. Highlights from his presentation included:

  • A study conducted by the University of Aachen (German) and European Aluminum Association (ECC) that found by using aluminum in key vehicle components, vehicle weight can be safely reduced by as much as 40 percent.
  • A hybrid and electric vehicle study by Ricardo, Inc. for the ATG that found by reducing the mass of a vehicle by 20 percent, a  vehicle range can be improved by up to 20 percent.

“The use of aluminum opens an opportunity for automakers to increase vehicle fuel economy and efficiency, while providing the vehicles consumers want,” said McNulty.

For a copy of the presentation and more information, visit

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About the Aluminum Transportation Group
The Aluminum Association Inc.’s Aluminum Transportation Group (ATG), communicates the benefits of aluminum in ground transportation applications to help accelerate its penetration through research programs and related outreach activities.  The ATG’s mission is to serve member companies and act as a central resource for the automotive and commercial vehicle industries on aluminum issues.  Members of the ATG include:  Alcoa Inc., Novelis Inc., Alcan Inc, Aluminum Precision Products Inc., Hydro, Kaiser Aluminum Corporation and Sapa Group.

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